29 December 2006


Well, it's been a few weeks since I've done any regular exercise, dedicated to my "holiday hiatus" of taking time off from all things triathlon. I've realized that my whole motto of "I train to eat" is true. While I haven't been training, I have been eating! Between Thanksgiving, birthday, and Christmas feasts, my clothes no longer fit! Good thing I've got the next 4 days off to get on my bike!

Fortunately for me, DC winter is alot like CA winter (I'm going to regret those words soon, I'm sure) and I'm all set for a glorious ride tomorrow with friends. How many days does it take to reestablish a habit. . .?

15 December 2006

Season's Greetings!

Seasons Greetings! How did it get to be December AGAIN!?!? As with every other year, 2006 has been a whirlwind and full of exciting adventure for me!! January found me training day and night for my first Ironman 70.3 triathlon. Juggling tri life with Navy life was difficult, and left time for little else. My ship took a trip to Canada where I sailed PREBLE through the San Juan Islands and into beautiful Vancouver BC!! There I met up with my close friend Sarah and the wonderful Canadians who, despite their dislike of Bush, love Americans and the US military. I took my bike with me, but since our mission was to search out the worst possible seas and then try to sail as fast as possible, I didn’t get a whole lot of training done onboard. The seas were so bad that we actually cracked bulkheads on the ship, and a number of folks sleeping racks became detached from the bulkheads and “got underway” on their own! It was crazy! While underway, I was contacted by my Navy detailer (headhunter/agent), who informed me that I’d been selected to interview for jobs in Washington DC. So I caught a plane from BC and flew to DC, which would be the beginning of a whole new world for me! I interviewed for a position as the Staff Secretary for Vice President Dick Cheney’s National Security Affairs office, and as a Congressional liaison. The VP job had no travel and was basically an Executive Assistant position—not what I was looking for. I had done a phone interview from the ship for the liaison position, and was meeting the Admiral for a second interview. It was my first time in the Pentagon. What an impressive, intimidating building! But, apparently my calm, collected, exterior prevailed and I landed the job! So, I told the Admiral I’d report as soon as I finished my Ironman in Baja! I think that impressed him most of all, and they supported me 100%. My training was paying off, and in April I won the women’s field in the Rosarito to Ensenada 50 mile bike race, finishing in 2:31. I was actually an “international record holder” until September when my friend Julia beat my time (we met on the course in April—she took 2nd!). And in May I again took 1st in my age group in the Sprint triathlon that started my whole tri craze! I left good ship PREBLE in May, done with sea duty for the next 5 years, packed my things and headed off to Mexico to see how well I’d fare at this Ironman thing. Turns out pretty well. I placed 5th in my age group, finished in 5:57:34 and qualified for the World Championship race in Florida!! It was an amazing experience, shared with my amazing friend Jess, and somehow 6 hours doesn’t seem to cover all the emotions and stresses that I endured during that race! Krista, my friend since back in high school, took a crazy trip down to Mexico to meet me and we enjoyed a few days of fiesta and siesta on the Baja coast before we headed out like Thelma and Louise across country in my convertible. I left Krista in Kansas, and finished my 7th cross-country trip on my own. I arrived to find DC everything I’d feared: hot, humid, and horrible. The sweltering summers really knocked off my training, and the traveling for work kept me very busy as well. Ten days into my new job I was on a 7 day, 3 island trip to Hawaii! Had a fantastic time, actually got my very first ride on a submarine (only 11 years in the making), and spent some time on the Big Island of Hawaii, which is the host island for the Full Ironman World Championships in Kona. I also found myself in the deserts of Yuma showing Congressional staff the work being done on the critical counter IED (improvised explosive device) threat that is killing our troops every single day. Yuma is a lot like Iraq, which makes it a good place for testing. The only nice thing about Yuma is that it’s 168 miles from San Diego, so I managed to get back to San Diego to see my friends throughout the summer. I was fortunate enough to get back there for a long Labor Day weekend, and saw my friend Carlos close a 16 year career as the San Diego State Aztec Warrior. I saw my Nephew Erik go to his first day of kindergarten, and have been able to spend a lot of time with them again. Finally, in September the weather broke in DC, and a fantastic fall followed. I reveled in the changing colors, the great 80-degree temperatures, and the “fantastic California days”. But DC isn’t SD when it comes to training, and my Championship race in Clearwater FL wasn’t as good as I’d hoped. I beat my Baja time by 10 minutes, but should have been able to beat it by 30. The race will air on NBC on March 31st, 2007. So, I’m going to have to “suck it up, princess” come next summer! Fortunately, I have met some great folks out here, reconnected with Navy folks that I randomly run into in the great halls of the 5-sided jungle, and have really found a niche with some great athletes out here. I’ve become a Velo-Bella bike racer, and will be doing more bike races in the next year. Amazingly, after 10 years of being afraid to leave San Diego, I am thoroughly enjoying DC! I absolutely LOVE my job, have a whole new network of friends, and even manage to fit in a date or two! I am happy, healthy, and just living my life the only way I can imagine! I hope you too are happy, healthy, and enjoying each and every day! Happy New Year!
MILEAGE TOTALS 2006: SWIM: 71,600 yds (40.7 mi) BIKE: 2059 mi RUN: 350 mi TOTAL: 2816 miles!!!

14 November 2006

Personal Best at Grueling Ironman 70.3 World Championships

Thank you EVERYONE for your support and words of encouragement in the race of my lifetime! I was undertained, overworried, and really concerned about my performance, but in the words of the oldest woman who raced last weekend (78 years old and finished strong) my goal was to "show, go, and finish". And I did!

The whole experience began Thursday evening at the opening ceremonies/pre-race dinner. Members of the local JROTC paraded in flags of every country represented, nearly 100 countries. It felt like my own mini olympics! The most athletes were from the US, followed by Brazil, England, and then Mexico I think, coincidently the country in which I qualified to race in the championships! There were racers from each of the 50 states, and the District of Columbia (wait, that's me!!!). Then they gave us a preview of the FULL Ironman race completed on 21 Oct in Kona, HI and to be aired on NBC on 9 Dec. Why did I pay nearly $1000 to do this? That would only be the first time I would ask myself that very question . . .

Friday came, and I went to check in my bike. On my quick spin around town ensuring I'd reassembled my bike correctly after disassembling it to fly on the plane, I was flagged down by a group of "goth" looking high-schoolers who asked me "What is your purpose?" as they flew by in their gas-guzzling SUV. I really had no answer for her. A minute later I caught her at a red light, and she again said "no, really, why are you riding bikes all around town?" I explained to her the race in the space that a red light allows. She replied "Oh, so you're training or something?" Not really. . . .but Saturday the question of my purpose came up a few too many times!

After a fantastic pre-race meal, I hit my bed around 8:30, ready for a full night's sleep. I awoke many many times in the night, wondering when 5 am would arrive. When it did, I was so not ready for it. Alas, the alarm went off, I got up and readied myself for the day ahead. The dawn was warm, wet and humid. My bike was doused in dew, and the eastern sky was red with the rising sun--what's that saying "red sky in the morning, Sailor take warning?" Fortunately, the winds were dead, and the sea was the calmest I've ever seen. There was no surf, it was like wading into a pool. Absolutely perfect race conditions all day long prevailed!

I watched and waited as the men's pro, women's pro and 4 age-group men waves hit the beach. Finally, it was time for all 400 women competitors to start our race. Not being an especially fast swimmer, I chose to be in the middle of the pack, near the bouys. Apparently that was a good strategy. I had my "fastest" swim ever, finishing in just over 38 minutes. Mind you, pros finish in 20 minutes or so, so I'm not ever going to win the swim! But I was very happy with that, and ran as fast as I could to the eager volunteers who expertly stripped my wetsuit and I was off to the transition tent.

I quickly reached my bike, grabbed the helmet and was off. I was forewarned that the bike course was fast and flat, and that the greatest error would be to push big gears. So I made a strategic decision to stay in the small chainring the whole time. Big mistake. I had probably the worst bike ride ever. Okay, maybe not the worst, as I passed 3 folks who had far worse rides than I; the first guy had a demolished disk wheel at mile 5 (about $2000 down the drain), and then at mile 20 there was an older man bleeding from his head and the paramedics were checking his neck for injuries, and finally I saw a poor lady laying on the asphalt with her arm bandaged up and she had just given up. No idea how a straight, wide, course could be so dangerous! For the first time in my race career I was being passed on the bike. But I maintained that I was going for the steady pace, ensuring I had legs left for the run. I finally crossed the "bike in" at a deflating 2:57 or so. The men pro's were only miles from the finish line as I transitioned to my running shoes.

The run. What can I say. My legs didn't want to move. Period. I quickly realized that it was going to be 13.1 miles of sheer willpower, because I had wasted my legs with the high cadence I'd forced myself into on the bike in the small gear. For those of you who think that Florida is flat, let me tell you otherwise. The race director managed to find the steepest bridge in the greater Tampa area. And he managed to make us cross it not once, not twice, but FOUR different times. My nephew has a motto, "try harder" and I grabbed hold of that motto and went with "tri harder" as I ran the slowest mile splits of my running career. Ford, the corporate sponsor of the race, had an 11-mile marker text messaging motivational station for the racers. I took the liberty of sending myself a message the day before, so as I crossed mile 11 I saw my signature motto "Suck it up princess!" which made me smile for exactly 10 seconds. Then the pain in my IT bands returned.

But, mind over matter, sheer will over physical pain, and I rounded the final corner, and heard the voice of Ironman, Mike Rielly, call my name as I came down the final gauntlet. I had done it, I finished the 70.3 World Championships and I was a HALF Ironman!

I once again reaffirmed that those people who do the full Ironman are just plain crazy!!!

I stumbled through the finish line with my finisher's medal, shell lei, and rice and beans, only wanting to get to the hotel and shower. Once that mission was accomplished, the adrenaline rush that had been so lacking during the race finally kicked in, and I went out and celebrated with my former San Diego teammates until the sun came up the next morning--yes, 24 hours of Ironman fun! Amazing things our bodies can do when we push to see just what we're capable of!

As for what's next? Right now I'm looking forward to the gluttony of Thanksgiving and Christmas. We'll talk more come New Year's!

  • See me on the course
  • 06 November 2006

    Ford Ironman 70.3 World Championship

    I will be competing in the inagural Ironman 70.3 championship race Saturday November 11th in Clearwater, Fl. Please cheer me on as I completes a 1.2 mile open ocean swim, 56 mile time-trial bike race and 13.1 mile half marathon, totaling 70.3 miles of fun! Check out http://www.ironman.com/ironmanlive and see the race live as it unfolds beginning 7 am this Saturday! The race will also be shown on NBC March 31st, 2007.

    Welcome to my site!

    Hi! This is my site where I will update friends and family on everything going on in my life! Stay tuned for the latest news, photos, and links.