24 May 2008

Columbia Triathlon 2008

How it went from January to May so quickly, I have no idea!

I swore last year that I'd be ready for the hills of Columbia, but wow, I just really underestimated how much time I lost over the winter being distracted by non-triathlon things!

The biggest issue of this race was that I had to race it in my glasses! I was still waiting to get my eye surgery, so I raced in prescription goggles, and then prescription sunglasses for the bike and run. It didn't seem to be a factor.

So, here it is, the first race of the season reality check:

SWIM: 29:39
--thought it was a good swim and that I didn't wander too much off course, but the clock never lies. Last year was a PR in swimming, this year, not so much!

T1: 2:27
--plenty happy with that

BIKE: 1:24:58
--not sure why, but I was sucking from the beginning, that first tiny hill had my legs screaming. It was not my best bike effort, and in fact was much slower than last year.
T2: 1:36

RUN: 54:02
--The run wasn't as bad as I'd remembered from last year. It still hurt, but I felt much stronger on the run than I did on the bike, not sure why.

TOTAL: 2:52:40

755/1730 overall
149/610 female
17/106 35-39F
still no military female results posted